Friday, November 30, 2007

I dislike acrylics

So I'm still posting older stuff that I originally meant to post but just never go around to it until now. That and I haven't had a chance to scan the newer stuff. Anyway for awhile I really was determined and gung ho about doing a paint sketch everyday in my sketch book. But then i remembered I really don't like acrylics, i need to get a better pallet case for those paints, and the damned paper got on wrinkled despite taking precautions. To hell with it for now.

Monday, November 26, 2007

David who?

Yeah, so I have this thing about David Walliams... And most other male British comedians. I know I have a problem. Anyway, enjoy these sketches I did for an old painting I started but haven't finished yet. Sigh.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More than 1 post a month?! Amazing.

Yes. Because I have a scanner now. So if I don't update now its either because I havent drawn anything or because I'm lazy to scan. yes.

You have no idea how much I really want a furry russian hat. I only wish it would actually be cold enough in Arizona so I could wear one without looking like a crazie. Or a communist. Better dead than red right? and keeping with the comic theme..

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Shaking off the dust

So yeah. talk about a hiatus. I swear I'm gonna breath life back into this beauty. And so it begins. Oldies but goodies?

Monday, May 21, 2007

I love mary

So updates haven't been quite as plentiful as I've liked. I still need to buy a new scanner and now that I'm done with school, I've pretty much spent all my newly acquired free time catching up on all the movies and tv I missed the past year. Its been remarkable. But here, I did this, and I like her, so you should too.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Look! Stuffs!

Um, here are some sketches. I'm so obviously influenced and addicted the movies its quite sad. and then theres the other amazing artists who's work see online in this case Joshua Petker and then I try to emulate that in order to figure out how and why what they do works. Does that make any sense? No ok well here are some drawings anyway.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Broadcasting is go

eek. First post. Unfortunately sans art. This will be rectified shortly.

Love your humble host,