Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Herp derp. The illustration.

Still practicing drawing and colorin' in photoshop. Its helped me to be marginally faster! Huzzah.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hello my poor little blog. I'm sorry I've gone rouge and've neglected you so. I swear, this whole time I've being doing stupid things to update you with. some are still in progress, others i need to take photos of or scan. 

I'm currently in Vancouver having just attended the Interlink Conference. It was amazing! Seriously if you work as a front web designer/developer you shoulda been there man. All the speakers were fantastic and I can't tell you how stoked I was to get to meet Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks and THE Jessica Hische of "Don't Fear the Internet" and other awesome things. I also got to meet a bunch of other really cool designers, developers, etc. And I'll hopefully make another post later about how much I love Vancouver and why its fantastic. But yeah it was super fun stuff and I hope to attend the next one for sure.

Anyhoo, between being inspired by all that and finally having a quiet moment here, I've complied and am presenting one of my lame attempts at showing my painting process as I try to keep in shape by practicing random portraits. This is Martin Freeman. Better known as Watson from Sherlock, Tim from the office, soon to be a hobbit. I don't think its very good and because it was always to be a practice thing and not a finished piece, it isn't. I think I may try this again in Photoshop as i'm experimenting with that again for efficiencies sake. Don't forget to click on the image to see in a larger size. More Nerd shit coming soon. MONIQUE OUT!