Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stuff and Progress!

Look! I've been up to some things. Although one of them obviously wasnt "updating her blog" A-hyuk-yuk!!

Lets start of with something from the vault. A pair of boobies. They were a gift for my friend, who is an artist in his own right. (click to view it larger)

Then I got crafty, and the Mister and I put together this bit of fall for our door
For Christmas, we put together this Nightmare! Get it! It's a joke!

In the mean time, I've also been working on a painting of my friends dog as a thank you gift for puppy sitting Margot.  This is a teaser. In progress and final shots coming soon.
Also kind of obsessed with these guys. I might do a paiting (or 2) of them.

And I've got some other poppin' fresh ideas just waiting to be shelled out. What? I don't know. I need sleep.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Endor indoors! Get it! It's a joke!

Behold! A table terrarium? Isn't that's sweet. But wait, whats this? If you look closer...
There's an ewok in my bowl.
Quite a few of them actual, with a couple of friends (can you spot them?) Fighting off imperial forces!
A battle is being waged in what looks like a river bed. Of some sort. (Yes, I added the walkers later)
View from above.

What's that in the trees?!
This was a lot of fun to make. A quick, reasonably priced nerdy craft project.  I got the idea after stumbling across a sweet stash of mico machine star wars toys at a local toy shop. If people are interested, I might start an etsy account selling "kits" for these bad boys since I kind of  stock piled on toys. Or maybe a lucky few will get some Star Wars/Nature related Christmas gift. Yay!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Margot Graduated Puppy Class!

Instead of my usual bouts of infrequent  arting, I have been taking care and trying to train a puppy. We were enrolled in a Puppy 1 class and Margot just recently graduated! So of course I crafted a little puppy graduation cap after I stumbled this instructible (check it out the pictures are super cute!). And so life goes on, we started the Puppy 2 class, and I maybe I'll get back to more drawing and nerd crafts.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Puppyhood, or my legitimate reason for a lack of posts lately

Doubt anyone has noticed, but I've been taking a break from making art and diy crafty things and sadly updating this poor blog. Its bittersweet but I don't have much of a choice because all of my time now is spent working and TAKING CARE OF AND RAISING MY BEAUTIFUL BABY PUPPY!

Her name is Margot and she's a Boston Terrier pup. She was about 9 or 10 weeks old when I got her, and I'm told she was the runt. I recused her from a guy in Fresno who had just bought the pup from some couple in Durham and realized very quickly he wasn't going to be able to adequately take care of a puppy. She hadn't even had any shots yet poor thing. So my life has been turned a bit upside down as I try to raise a crazy puppy into a healty, sweet little dog.

Needless to say, there hasn't been a dull moment since shes entered my life. I love her so much. She's like my little gremlin, and this is in fact her theme song. And now I'm going to be that annoying lady that posts a ton of pictures of her dog. 

btw, she doesnt love her onesie jamies. But she'll tolerate them for a while. I picked that up from Mijo & Bambi at the Renegade Craft fair in SF this weekend.

And if you do miss my art stuffs, don't fret. I have one piece i'm still working on but close to finishing, and a bunch of paitings/craft I've made and taken photos, I just need to edit and post about them. But since thats usually less fun than the actual making part, that explains why they aren't up here yet.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Herp derp. The illustration.

Still practicing drawing and colorin' in photoshop. Its helped me to be marginally faster! Huzzah.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hello my poor little blog. I'm sorry I've gone rouge and've neglected you so. I swear, this whole time I've being doing stupid things to update you with. some are still in progress, others i need to take photos of or scan. 

I'm currently in Vancouver having just attended the Interlink Conference. It was amazing! Seriously if you work as a front web designer/developer you shoulda been there man. All the speakers were fantastic and I can't tell you how stoked I was to get to meet Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks and THE Jessica Hische of "Don't Fear the Internet" and other awesome things. I also got to meet a bunch of other really cool designers, developers, etc. And I'll hopefully make another post later about how much I love Vancouver and why its fantastic. But yeah it was super fun stuff and I hope to attend the next one for sure.

Anyhoo, between being inspired by all that and finally having a quiet moment here, I've complied and am presenting one of my lame attempts at showing my painting process as I try to keep in shape by practicing random portraits. This is Martin Freeman. Better known as Watson from Sherlock, Tim from the office, soon to be a hobbit. I don't think its very good and because it was always to be a practice thing and not a finished piece, it isn't. I think I may try this again in Photoshop as i'm experimenting with that again for efficiencies sake. Don't forget to click on the image to see in a larger size. More Nerd shit coming soon. MONIQUE OUT!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Arts and Bows!

Gah Talk about an extended holiday break. Continuing on with my arts and crafts kick during these past winter months, I was heavily inspired by this awesome hair bow DIY tutorial over at My Girl Thursday. And then I saw these Beautiful "statement" Bow over at the Red Velvet shop I decided to draw and make my own bows! Eeee. Why yes, I'm a big fan of head accoutrement
Elise of Red Velvet and A Beautiful Mess. She's freaking gorgeous.
Eventually, I'll probably have a bow in every size and color.
Random: I received this adorable Japanese pea pop puppy for Christmas from my beloved. I adore it.
So then I tried my hand at making my own version of the Red Velvet bow in a warmer, Christmas red and stiffer fabric. It turned out ehh, ok. Not sure when or where I'll be able to pull this off. And until I get a new camera, I had to compensate with my crappy HTC phone camera with filters to actually make me look *less* washed out. Sigh.